Gentle Adjustment
to Relieve Pain
Our Portfolio
Revolutionary Piezowave
Our Portfolio
Acute & Chronic Pain
with Chiropractic Biophysics

Meet The Doc

  • Dr. Matthew Ruiz

    Dr. Matthew Ruiz


    About Dr. Matthew Ruiz

    Dr. Ruiz began his journey investigating natural health and healing as a young man with the inspiring motto: “Your health is your wealth!” and has followed that path his whole life. He began studying Swedish and deep tissue massage with Bob Brown, a student of Ida Rolf, in Northern California. He continued his studies of massage at the Esalen Institute, specializing in sports massage. Taking his studies to the next level, he graduated from Life West College of Chiropractic in 1994. Specializing in trauma and injury recovery and also practicing and surfing in Costa Rica for some years, his deep love for the mountains and wild places brought him to Crested Butte, Colorado with a focus on Sports and Injury recovery and restoration of posture, biomechanics and nervous system function to allow optimal performance in all aspects of life. 


We structurally rehabilitate your spine and posture and improve your range of motion, quality of movement and muscle strength. Pre and post treatment x rays are taken to show you these structural improvements and changes.

Case History

We begin by taking a careful, detailed case history of your health concerns. We discuss previous traumas and injuries and their effect on your health and performance. Our goals is to fully understand all of your health issues before we proceed with treatment.

Physical Examination

Evaluation of  posture from the front and the side to determine current state of spinal alignment. Various range of motion tests performed to evaluate spinal and extremity limitations of movement. Palpation to feel for joint stiffness/hypermobility, swelling and inflammation, or abnormal movement. Orthopedic and neurological tests are performed to determine the extent of injuries and to determine if a chiropractic adjustment is safe to perform.


On-site, low-dose  x-rays are taken to examine each and every vertebra in our area of interest. Films allow precise adjustments and eliminates any possibility of causing harm. Films also shows us where spinal degeneration (bone spur formation, loss of vertebral disc height) could occur or is occuring to prevent it from accelerating which left untreated leads to eventual fusion of the spine.

Chiropractic Adjustment

A chiropractic drop table is used to ensure gentle and safe adjustments. An adjusting instrument called the Arthrostim is also used to gently and quickly help restore alignment and restore proper spinal curvatures. These adjustments will increase the range, quality of motion, and function of the spine and extremities and increase communication between the brain and the body.

Piezowave Treatment

Piezowave treatment works in three ways: 1. Breaks up scar tissue with sound waves, 2. Brings oxygenated blood to the damaged cells to restore them, 3. Increases type one collagen fiber growth. Results include: improvements in range of motion, strength and function, and decreased pain. Used to treat injuries of the spine, shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, knees, and feet.

We focus on creating optimal posture and spinal alignment to reduce pain and increase function.
  • Wouter van Tiel / Crested Butte, CO,

    Matt has worked on my entire spine from top to bottom, fixing severe issues and adjusting it for optimal sports endurance. I went from feeling old and used up to having pep in my step. Matt is very knowledgeable in his field and he has the ability to apply his acumen in a practical way. We are blessed to have Matt right here in Crested Butte.

  • Sasha Chudacoff / Crested Butte, CO, Dancer, Aerialist, Movement Educator

    Piezowave has helped tremendously in healing and relieving chronic pain on old injuries such as hip labrum tears, early arthritis and finicky hamstring injury. Appreciate the biomechanical approach that Mateo addresses in structure and in movement. My migraines have significantly improved!

  • Carson West / Crested Butte, CO,

    I had hit a recovery and rehabilitation plateau about 10 months out from a major shoulder injury and a subsequent surgery. My mobility range was still not where I wanted it to be and progress was slow. Dr Ruiz helped me get over this plateau with a combination of chiropractic adjustments and Piezo Wave therapy. I am thankful for the work Dr Ruiz has done with me and his help in my rehabilitation from a major injury.

Schedule a Consultation

We are located in the Pinnacle Orthopedics building at the 4-way stop. Please call and leave a message or email to schedule an adjustment or consultation.


510 Elk Ave #2
Crested Butte, CO 81224


(970) 393-6193

Office Hours

Wednesday - Sunday: 3pm to 7pm
Monday & Tuesday Emergencies: 5pm to 7pm